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Sparkles in a clementine

I first saw this experiment on the Davidson Institute’s Facebook page. I was so excited that I just had to try it and film it ๐Ÿ™‚

Using just a clementine and a sparkler, we will demonstrate the process of combustion and its applications in everyday life, as well as in more advanced fields like rocketry. This experiment provides a clear example of how an oxidizing agent in a sparkler allows it to burn continuously, even when placed inside a clementine, offering insights into the chemistry behind burning processes.


  • Clementine
  • Sparkler
  • Lighter / Matches

What to do?

  1. Place a clementine or an orange on a fireproof plate.
  2. Stick the sparkler into the clementine. Leave about a centimeter of the combustible material outside the clementine.
  3. Light the sparkler.
  4. The sparkler will continue to burn inside the clementine!

How does this happen?

Among the materials that make up the sparkler is an oxidizing agent (solid oxygen), so the sparkler can continue to burn inside the clementine even when it is insulated from the oxygen in the air.

Another place where oxidizing agents can be found is in rockets!

When we talk about rockets to space, one of the biggest challenges is maintaining the burning of the fuel under various conditions, including in space where there is no oxygen. Therefore, advanced rocket engines use what is called “rocket fuel,” which contains all the materials needed for burning, including components that provide oxygen.

Similar to a sparkler, rockets use fuels that are essentially mixtures of various materials designed to maintain the burning process even under the extreme conditions of space. These fuels can be liquid or solid and include components that release oxygen as part of the burning process. This oxygen is critical for supporting the flame and creating the thrust needed for the rocket to ascend into space.

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