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Recycled Spring Seed Starters: A Fun and Eco-Friendly Activity

As spring arrives, it’s the perfect time to teach your students about gardening and the importance of sustainability. One fun and educational activity is to create recycled seed starters using common household items. Not only will your students learn about plant growth, but they’ll also learn the value of reducing waste and protecting the environment.

Why Use Recycled Seed Starters?

Explain to your students the benefits of using recycled materials for seed starters:

– It’s eco-friendly because you’re giving new life to items that would otherwise end up in the trash or landfill.

– It’s inexpensive or free since you’re using materials you already have at home or in the classroom.

Materials Needed

Have your students bring in a variety of materials from home that can be used as seed starters, such as:

– Egg cartons (cardboard)

– Toilet paper rolls

– Newspaper or cardboard

– Milk cartons or juice boxes

– Yogurt containers or plastic bottles

Creating the Recycled Seed Starters

Guide your students through the process of making their own recycled seed starters:

  1. Have them clean their containers thoroughly.
  2. For containers without drainage holes, help them use a sharp object to create holes in the bottom.
  3. Let them fill the containers with a seed-starting mix or a blend of potting soil and vermiculite.
  4. Show them how to plant their seeds according to the instructions on the seed packet.
  5. Teach them how to water the seed starters gently, being careful not to over-saturate the soil.
  6. Have them place their seed starters in a warm, well-lit area in the classroom and monitor their growth.

Transplanting to the Garden

Once the seedlings are sturdy and big enough, it’s time to transplant them into your school garden or larger containers. Demonstrate how to gently remove the seedlings from their recycled starters (if your starter is made of cardboard you can plant it with the container), being careful not to damage the delicate roots. Then, have your students plant their seedlings in their new homes, water them well, and continue to observe their growth.

Creating recycled seed starters is a fun and engaging way to teach your students about plant growth, sustainability, and the importance of reducing waste. Not only will they learn valuable science concepts, but they’ll also develop a sense of pride and responsibility for caring for their plants and the environment.

Looking for more great classroom ideas?

Brain twisters – It’s all about recycling
Plant growth & parts – concept cards 
Plants & Nature  science crafts

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